The Magical Crystal – Celestite & The Blue Shere
All the credible sources I’ve checked speak of Celestite as an angelic crystal, facilitating communication with beings of light, easing access to higher dimensions.
“Celestite emanates a gentle, uplifting energy that can elevate and expand consciousness towards the higher realms. It’s one of the most effective stones for accessing the angelic realm and can facilitate communication between oneself and guardian angels or angelic guides. It stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, as well as the etheric chakras above the head. It’s a gentle stone both physically and energetically. As it elevates consciousness, Celestite makes you feel more like floating on a cloud than being propelled in a rocket at the speed of light.” – Robert Simmons
“SPIRITUAL: All Celestites are valuable tools for opening the Spiraling of the third eye chakra and crown chakra. Enhances clairvoyance and intuitive ability. It’s aligned with angelic energy and contributes to attracting spirits that can offer assistance or protection. The golden variety is aligned with the crown chakra and stimulates connection with the Divine Source.
EMOTIONAL: The blue-gray Celestite brings a state of calm, centering, and elevation in the emotional body. It helps us feel sheltered and protected, thus can be used to overcome fear, suspicions, or paranoia. The golden variety of Celestite induces a state of optimism, energy, and even euphoria. It’s excellent for bringing into the heart and emotional body.”- Naisha Ahsian
Just a few of the sources that have studied this crystal, but with just one search on Google, you’ll discover the same things regarding the metaphysical properties of Celestite (celestin, in some parts).
What’s less known is that Celestite channels and emanates the extraordinary energy of a healing instrument originating from Sirius – a conscious and highly evolved being – the Blue Sphere. The energy of the Blue Sphere is like a cascade of peace, light, and reconciliation, pouring directly into your heart. A wave of compassion and love, all with the effect of healing the emotional, spiritual, physical body. Anyone can use the Blue Sphere and its wonderful energy through intention and by connecting with their heart. You can send it to anyone for healing without asking for their permission, as it has its own intelligence. You can use it for yourself, your pets, anyone you wish.
Working with a Celestite crystal can amplify this gentle and healing energy of the Blue Sphere.
Programmed for this purpose, Celestite facilitates the transition to a meditative state while keeping our minds clear and focused on the process to connect with higher frequencies and angelic realms. Thus, it can open communication with the highest guides and advisors.
“As we expand our consciousness, Celestite makes us feel more like floating on a cloud than flying in a rocket. It has a very high vibration and is considered a Stone of the New Era. It transmits divine energy and leads to an infinite state of inner peace.” – Gabriel Newman
About me
I have chosen to work with crystals but I know that crystals have chosen me. There is nothing more beautiful than to feel a clear quartz crystal pulsating in your hand, not because he wants you to know he’s alive, but because he wants you to feel your own aliveness. You are your presence which comes forth easily in the presence of crystals. They are our teachers and wise guides, the Gift of Mother Earth for us. We have evolved technologically due to crystals, there is a quartz crystal inside every watch, every laptop, now it is time to evolve spiritually with their support. Life is magical and sacred for those who can taste its every now moment.
Crystals help us gladly in any quest we are in for: winning the battle over the mind, loving ourselves more, dissolving fears, raising concentration, calming the agitation, evolving, raising awareness in regards to all that is, lucid dreaming, overall healing, reaching altered states of consciousness. And here is my mission: to offer you crystals and through my jewelry making, an object of Might and Magic, a beautiful presence to remind yourself of your own beauty and aliveness, a wise friend to guide you through the forests of Life. I follow the divine guidance when it comes to harmonising the crystal beads, placing them in a certain way and I infuse my work (through my intention) with the kind healing and loving energy of the Blue Sphere – a timeless, highly evolved being from planet Sirius.
May the energy of crystals light up your entire being so that you feel in love with living and live your highest timeline to spirit.
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