First of all, I would like to thank Leo Bae and Caroline for inventing the concept of co-channeling.
You can find their original co-channeling here:
In this Co-Channeling Session, we address the topic of detoxification. This is often accomplished through various diets.
Octavia Vasile, channels the Ascended Masters and Mother Mary.
Jeremy Thom, “The Planes Walker” channels Ashtar.
More to come on this topic from our other Channelers.
I want to thank everybody for joining us for this co channeling session. And the topic today is Detox, kind of cleaning up our systems. And we want to get a perspective from the different channelers and their entities on how we can approach this process, how to think about it, what are some of the considerations and nuances. So I’ll first turn it over to Octavia, and I believe she’s going to channel the High Council, the offended Masters, and maybe a particular member of that Council. So it should be a real treat. So looking forward and I hope everybody enjoys.
And now I’m calling upon the presence of the High Council of the Ascended Masters. I welcome them with love and joy, open to receive their support and guidance and anything else that they wish to share with us. Firstly, I’m inviting you to observe and to feel their vibration, maybe even to visualize them surrounding us, maybe creating a larger circle outside our circle. Feel that radiant light and energy that they bring into this transmission. And I’m connecting now mostly with the energy of Mother Mary. He invites you to take a moment to feel her presence, connect with her heart to heart, and know that she is always close to you. She expresses her gratitude and love for the change that we bring on Earth.
She says that from up there she knows that there is no separation and that whatever change one human being brings, that change is brought for all. And that as so many create such transformations in their life, such transformation journeys in their life, then that vibration is brought further. She invites you to stay kind with yourself, to love yourself whenever you step aside of your own routine and what you planned in terms of your health, not to regret it, not to generate guilt, but rather to remember that you always have the cosmic support bring you back on the nice track. She invites you also not to take life so seriously, but rather the changes that you bring into your life, to bring them in a playful way, reminding yourself that there are ways to feel lighter and closer to source.
And whenever you’re adjusting your diet in such a way, whenever you’re raising your vibration and you’re opening your energy channels, this is exactly what you do. There is no need to be too strict with yourself, rather to be convinced, to be motivated, because that motivation is the one that keeps you on that beautiful pathway. It’s not about believing in this or that or following these people or those people who have their own theories. It’s really about finding that truth within yourself and following that. It’s about being motivated to that from your own heart. Whenever your heart tells you these changes are natural, I’m not letting go of something. I’m just coming back to what I am and what I am supposed to be. I’m not quitting sugars or this or that.
I’m just living outside what doesn’t serve me because it has never served me. It’s really not about trying hard. It’s actually about trying little letting go, being present, letting yourself, being carried by your intuition. It’s just that the intuition has sometimes been affected by a certain programming and conditioning of the mind. You’re removing that and you’re coming back to yourself, to what you are. And in removing that, might your efforts stay. Because after years of conditions that ruled your life in such a way, there will be an effort that you’ll make to leave those aside, but mostly to recognize them. Not so many people have the occasion to see through the veil of conditioning. Many will say, I just want to follow this and that’s okay because this is how I feel.
But they do not know that how they feel has been conditioned also. So to remove those conditioning, you’ll make your own effort that stays in meditation and in your own practice. But now that you’re always supported, that planet Earth changes now and raises its own vibration. And so many cosmic beings are with you at the moment. So you can see through the veil of conditioning and let go of that. When this happens and you come back to yourself, your intuition starts shining as it’s meant to do and it starts guiding you into raising your vibration more and more. Your intuition knows what’s the best for you. Simply be sure to let go of beliefs. Tell yourself this reality is created spontaneously. There is nothing to believe in because whatever I believe will be seen by me to the projection that I’m creating.
When you recognize that, you’ll start thinking only positively, but mostly loving yourself as you are. She smiles and she says, once you find that love from within and you nurture yourself with it, everything and everyone will reflect that love back to you. You are never separated in any way. And whenever you find that peace within, your entire so called world will change. Let’s take a moment here to feel their vibration in that outer circle that they form. Maybe take a moment to feel the heart to heart connection with the energy of Mother Mary and maybe the connection with other ascended masters. Share your gratitude and love if you wish to. And then gently in your own ring, come back. Let go of any visualization and come back through your own heart. Open your eyes and feel the contact with the floor.
Thank you, Octavia. That was a Very beautiful transmission. Next, let’s go over to Jeremy Tom and see what perspective he would like to bring up. So let’s go quickly into the channeling state and see who comes through. I am. We are Ashtar, command in the love and the light. We are one with the very being that you are, as well as all that is. And through creation we bring in this message of transformation and integration. And we are so grateful for this opportunity to speak about detoxification and purification of not only your minds, but of your spirit self and your body self. For all of these things happen simultaneously as one, which is in a sense very interesting for you to understand.
For we know that when you are doing your best to eat well, drink well, and continue on a path that is best for your body, you are also purific, purifying your body through this process and your mind, for it takes a path within the mind that allows you to keep your focus on what it is you wish to continue to purify. And so the information we wish to give you may not be that of medical advice, for there are professionals that do that within the level of consciousness on Earth. However, we will speak about the detoxification of certain elements that you are eating, certain ideas and certain presences within yourself. Whether that is a presence of an idea that you’re holding or an attachment that you believe you are still holding on to, or a negative thought.
So back to the body and what it needs. The body is a structure that is energetic in nature. And although it holds a form of, in a sense, physical form, you are non physical as well. And the non physical part of you is able to clear, be clear. It is clear at all times, but it is able to clear the physical part of your body if you ask and if you believe we are energetic beings by nature, therefore what you put in is what you get out. Now that works at a level of thinking as well. For within your mind is the ability to believe certain aspects that will change how you feel within this body and feel within your entire being. So, dear ones, we do wish for you to focus on a few things within your body.
Whether it is purifying certain ideas that you have and beliefs, or purifying the water that you drink. For water helps move things and melt, help things flow and detoxifies any stagnant and not only energy, but minerals or things that may be within your food. As time progresses, as your earth becomes more whole and connected to the establishment of higher beings and higher self, you will start to have Food and things within nature. That are going to purify your body in a natural way. Perhaps it might be the choice of becoming a vegetarian. Or even moving on to allowing the universe. The energy within you. To give you life. For you are life always. And the life that you are always present with you.
So when you align to your own life, when you align to the beauty that is life, you are given the opportunity to trust what comes. And trust that what you are giving your body at the time. Is exactly what it needs. Now, if we go to those that have ideas of addiction. I’m addicted to sugar. I cannot stop this. I’m addicted to smoking or things that are harming the body. Dear one, the addiction to those items is not from the actual item. It is from what you’re telling yourself within your mind. What you believe is going on for you. Not only outside of you, but within. And that within presence is capable of changing your inside the body and outside of the body. Strictly by focusing on what it is you need at that time.
If you are able to be in the present moment and focus on just being here and now. And choosing an item that you see in front of you. And ask yourself, is this an item that I wish to place within my body at this time? Does this resonate with me? It could be a glass of water, it could be a chocolate bar, it could be a piece of broccoli. It doesn’t matter what it is. But you must know for yourself. If it aligns with what you really want your life to be at that time. There’s nothing wrong with having sugar or smoking. We know that hearing that is strange. For we will not tell you what you can or cannot do. For you are free to make those choices. Now, if it’s a choice that you believe is harming yourself.
Whether that is through smoking or through having sugar, Then it’s then that it’s time to question. Why are you doing that to yourself? Why is that something that you’re continuing to choose. In each and every given moment that you choose it for? Addiction is very one second. Addiction is a very powerful connection to a vibration within. That aligns you to a vibration. That will continually give you more of that addiction. More of that empty feeling. More of that not wishing to be present. Or wishing to find something outside of yourself. That you have to give yourself within. There’s nothing that you can ever do, or shall we say, there’s nothing that is actually outside of you. That will give you what you need. For everything is within.
And this dear one Knowing much about addiction does understand what it means to take care, what it means to be present with the exact moment in time in order to find what is aligned to your truest, most natural self. So, dear ones, thank you. We are very grateful to be able to come together right now within this present moment and share a different aspect of what it could mean to be present with the moment. Present with yourself, present with your life in purification and in detoxification. Just be present. Just allow yourself to know with any given moment, within this moment, what it is you need for. What you need right now is going to be exactly what is given to you through your choices and through your thinking and through your vibration at that time.
So do not fret when there are things that feel wrong or feel right. Just ask yourself, what is it I wish to experience while doing this right now? And this will give you the vibration that you’ve asked for through your free will and through the choices that you were aligned with. And if these are choices you do not wish to continue being aligned with, then that is also your choice. And we will support you no matter what you decide. For you are loved by us unconditionally, no matter what you decide. And we will always be here. If you wish to experience something new and something beyond what you believe you need that experience to be. We are Ashtar. We love you. We love you. We love you. And we will always be near you.
And we will always be here through the presence of all that is and the highest good and the highest self. We have enjoyed this transmission. Thank you. I hope that helped. Thank you very much. There’s a lot that I definitely need to focus on there as well. And I appreciate the message and I appreciate Octavia and Jonah for asking us to channel at this time. So thank you very much. I’m the planeswalker. Have a good one. Bye now.
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