Leo Bae and Caroline address the topic of detox. In this next part of the series Leo Bae and Caroline bring out Ra and Ashtar to address this important topic. There insights clarify a prior channeled book from Ra, go into water and diet and effects on the physical body and spiritual system.
Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the series on Detox Co channeling. I’m very excited about this next episode. We’re joined by Leo and Caroline, the founders of co channeling. And they’re bringing today two very special guests. And I’m particularly excited about. About Ra and those Egyptian energies and, you know, such. Such an important, just such, you know, important entity and so close to source. And I’m just excited to learn more and I think they’re going to take this even further. So I think there’s a lot of reasons why people detox. You know, there’s a lot of health benefits fits to it. Toxins build up in the body. They’re storing your cells, they’re fat, you’re fat. So you cut back and you kind of feel that release.
Also, losing weight, you know, if you kind of do a smoothie diet or go very light, you know, the weight count can go down a little bit. But I think they’re taking this in another direction, you know, spiritually, sort of kind of cleansing, mentally bringing in more love and light. And I think they’re kind of. They’re going to add really different dimensions to this conversation. So without further ado, welcome Leo and Caroline, and let’s enjoy their channeled conversation.
Hello. Hello. Yes, thank you for joining, everyone. Thank you for tuning in. Today we will be speaking about detoxing, cleansing, purifying, clarifying. And were also asked of our dear friends Jonah and Octavia and Jeremy to channel us on this as well as there’s a thread that we’re all weaving together. And so we greet you all. Thank you all. It’s great to be with you all. And yes, thank you, guys. And yes, so today’s theme will be this.
Oh, yes. So thank you. Thank you for joining us in this new video. And today we will be speaking about cleaning, cleansing, clarifying, detoxing or detoxifying. And I think that we will have Ashtar and Ra coming through. And Leo, can you please say the little intent, please?
Yes, I will, of course, Caroline. Thank you. And as usual, yes, we will state our intent together to harmonize ourselves more. Dear higher guides, dear higher selves of love and light. Thank you all for being with us. Thank you for always being with us. We invite you in closer so that we may emanate and bring through your beautiful energies and messages of love and light. And specifically on this idea of cleansing, clarifying and purifying. Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes. What a joy.
What a joy indeed.
Please do. Please do. We are very happy to See you.
As always, indeed, as well. For us, yes, we enjoy this gathering as usual. And we, as usual, we enjoy being here with you, dear Ashtar. And of course everyone joining in. Yes, for those newcomers, for those not yet remembering, familiarizing a little bit more. I am Ra. I am Ra. And I greet you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator from this place of love, light, joy and peace. Yes, yes, yes indeed.
And joy, joy, joy and peace. Yes. And so, yes, indeed, we are, I am. We are Ashtar, coming in the love and the light of the highest love and the highest light for the highest good purposes. We greet and honor you, each and every one of you listening, tuning into this video. Gather around, gather around. We say it will be fun. Yes, we greet and honor your guides, mentors and guides. And we greet and honor the larger collectives and collectives beyond and even beyond your imagination who are also tuning into this Internet web show. And we are welcoming and so very happy to see you, dear brothers and sisters of Ra. What a joy, what an honor. And what a joy indeed. Yes, indeed.
Yes, yes, dear ones, what a topic. There are many themes surrounding this seeming. One theme of clarifying. We will simplify as and so clarifying, what does it mean to be clear? What does it mean to be clean? And from our perspective, we will give it, we will put it in this way, we will word it in this way. It means to be aligned with your entire beingness. It means to be aware of the thoughts that you are having, the habits you are engaging in routine basis. And we will say specifically these habits of vibrancy, of habits of bringing more life to your life in every area of your life. And as you do indeed, you become clear, you become crystal clear, you become clarified and you become a beautiful crystal conduit channel of love and light.
Yes, yes, dear Ash Tar, may you give a a summary of as well of your perspective on this topic at hand.
Yes, yes, we we may and we are so grateful and we honor your summary which was already very perfect. And so yes, we will make another summary. Okay? Yes, so cleaning cleansing, clarifying how to be concise. First and foremost, dear ones, it begins with your body structure. Yes, we will explain it further then, because we are this is an exercise to summarize, summarize. Then you have to be clear on your thought patterns. Yes, then you have to be clear and clean in your environment. Yes, indeed. And so let’s be. Let’s elaborate more.
Yes, yes.
So, because it was a joke. Yes. And so how to how a human in human form can be clear clean himself? It all begins with your body structure, Leon. And when you are cleaning your body, you are also not only cleaning your body, but also cleaning your thoughts. Water is indeed very soothing, calming, relaxing. And so when you are very stressed and sometimes, you know, after a day of work, when you take a shower, you have such a peaceful night after it. So the cleaning clarifying begins with the body, the external body shape, yes, but also in the internal body structure. Meaning that what you eat, what you drink is also has to or it’s very much beneficial if it is cleaning and cleansing. Some of you have food intakes that are quite very heavy.
But when it is heavy and heavy and heavy for days, months, years, it is in some way clogging your system down, closing your system. Your system is not that vibrant. When you ingest vibrant fruits and vibrant veggies and you have a clean, pure water, your whole system is more clean. It’s like if it is being washed and it takes all the radiancy from the fruits and vegetables so that your body structure can radiant and experience more. More love, light, joy, but most importantly, more life. As yes, what you are consuming is partly alive. And so it is vibrating within your own body structure of yours. And so the cleaning and clarifying begins with your body shape, your body structure as you are human in human form. Yes.
Dear brothers and sisters of rock, would you like to speak more about the cleaning, clarifying, detoxifying of the body structure of the humans in human form?
Yes, yes. We thank you. Thank you, dear Ashtar. We agree and we will elaborate a little bit for we understand that there are those that are familiar with the material, the raw material, channeled material. The book series the Law of One and through there indeed we have stated there is a cleansing clarifying of the mind, body, spirit complex. And we stated in this series that it is in this order. And at this time we come to simplify. We come through at these times to simplify as many are familiar. The terms and words, the semantics that were used at those times were not the most simple. And this was of course calculated and purposeful and intentful. And at these time, for it was necessary at those times. At these times, These are times of integration, dear ones. These are times of simplification.
And so when one thinks of mind, what does one think of? They think of their head. Yes. They think of their Brain. However, in truth your body is your mind as well. The mind thoughts are not just limited to your brain, they are, they dwell within your entire body structure. And so we wish to simplify and say yes dear ones, there is belief clearing, clarifying, cleansing involved. However, simply you may see it as clarifying the beliefs you have about your body and that the judgments you may have. The, the. Yes, the negative limitating thoughts and beliefs you may have about your body and those other bodies of yours that are around you.
And so as one begins to understand more and more that indeed all is one, all is created by you, co created by us and there’s no separation in truth, then one begins to indeed clarify their mind, body, spirit complex. And so why is the emphasis so much on the body? Because at these times, yes, the knowingnesses, the knowledge is very available. Yes, you have the Internet now. This was not available when we came through. At other times, it is now. And so there is much knowledge, there’s much information. However, if this information and knowledge is not integrated, embodied, then it is just that information. It is not valuable experience. Yes, it is not experience. It just airy fairy or dense thoughts. Yes, they don’t. There’s no real vibrant experience to them.
And so we come to simplify so that you may embody more of the Radians. Yes, the radians, dear ones. And so what does this entail? Just as dear Ashtar and company have said, there is the cleansing, clarifying of the body, of course. And this involves the foods, the nutrition, the nourishment, the waters, the liquids, the substances, all of this that you intake into your body. And of course the exercise, the movement, the strengthening, all of this is more and more critical. For as we have said dear ones, your planet is being pumped up with more and more love and light.
And if your yes mind, body, spirit complex is not well irrigated, then if this, when this love, light life flows through these life streams, flow through more and more and more through your planet as your planet is entering into a place in space and time that is highly charged. If you are not well irrigated, dear ones, then it will lead to yes, a uncomfortable pressurization. And so more and more we come with the practical advice of working and loving and caring and nourishing and enlivening your body so that all of these live streams can flow through and you can work with and co create with and create, yes, the life of your greatest dreams. And so as you do this. And yes, you hold the intent, you have the awareness of.
I wish to be of service, help and upliftment for all, not just myself, not just for others. For all, yes, for all is one. In this way, as you cleanse, clear, clarify your mind, body, spirit, complex, you strengthen, you nourish. Then the understandings, the thoughts, they become more vibrant, they become more clear. And the life streams you experience will, will cease from being a sort of pressurization to a woo, hey, this sort of pressurization, yester one’s the joy that you will be able to experience throughout your day to day, it will stay, you will stay in that state. For you have built up this capacity. And so, yes, it is very important. And indeed your own individual body structure is the first order of business. We shall say yes, yes.
Yes. And we echo and we thank you tremendously for your answer. And yes, indeed, you want to clean your body, comes with you the food intake, the nourishment, the liquid intake. And also with your strengthening your body and the moving of your body. Why so? Because when you move your, when you move and groove your body structure, then yes, the energies can move. Your lymphatic system moves, everything is moving. But it is also clarifying your mind. And you know that because when you go to the gym, when you go to the sport and you are lifting some big things or pulling or pushing, then after the session of gym, you feel clearer. You know that you feel clearer in your body structure, but also in your mind. You see things differently. You are more peaceful, which means you should do it every single day.
We do not mean to push and pull heavy, heavy things. We just said to move and groove and move. Yes, so that you bring also more life, more oxygen to your system as well. We wish to remind you also that the. That your cells, that your cellular structure, your cells are radiating, they have, they are alive. Your every single, teeny tiny pieces of life within yourself that you cannot even see nor perceive. They are all alive, vibrant and radiating, yes, vibrating. And they have to have the good nourishment. They have to have these things to be more vibrant. If you are eating junk, junk food, there is no judgment. But anyway, we wish to be clear. And if you are not moving and very stagnant and stagnant, then for your cellular structure it will require more energies.
So in order to help your body structure, you have to pump yourself. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. And then, yes, indeed. To take care and nourish your body. Yes, when you take a shower, when you clarify your body, yes, indeed, it is soothing your mind, your heart. Yes, cleaning also your thoughts. Because again, you are more peaceful and your thoughts are indeed crucial. By thoughts we mean, yes, the food intake, the liquid intake, but also the social media and the media consumption. And also all the thoughts that you are having throughout your day. We told you to assess your thoughts throughout your days so that you understand what is your baseline, what is your frequency. Because all of you are radiating as your cells, teeny tiny cells are radiating. You are as a human shape, as a human, in human form, you are radiating.
Question for you, dear ones. What is your frequency? At what frequency range are you vibrating around? And so if you are in a state of anger, frustration, da, da, I don’t like this. And why is it doing that? And if this and that, if you are in that state, you are not clear, you are in a state of agitation in order to, for you dear ones to experience a more peaceful but also more vibrant life. All these thoughts, I don’t like this. I don’t like her. She’s doing this, he’s doing that. These thoughts patterns are polluting your own fields. You have to release them, dear ones, in order to bring life, to bring more joy, to bring more peace, to bring more abundance, more radiance in your life. And so you have to clear and clean and clarify your thoughts. Why?
Because as our dear brothers and sisters of Ra have been saying, yes, indeed, the planet Earth Gaia that you are currently living in, onto there are energies that are being sent to her through the universe, we shall say. And so you are receiving, perceiving and living with those frequencies that are being sent to Gaia. And if your mind is not clear, if your food nourishment is not clear, if your thoughts are agitated, and also, yes, if your thought patterns, if your irrigation system is not irrigating, then it will lead to more turmoil in your own life. And we do not recommend this experience for you. Yes. And as our dear brothers and sisters of Ra have been saying, yes, indeed, we recommended you in the past to irrigate your thought patterns irrigate your brain.
Meaning that you have to recommend that you assess every aspect of your life. Where do you wish to live? What do you want to accomplish in your life? Who would you like to live with? What experiences would you like to experience? To assess and see if you are living in accordance. If everything is yes, coherent. And if you are living this excitement, oh, yes, I wish to live near the sea and this is what I really want and this makes me happy. But if you wish to live near the sea and you are living in the mountain and that you are feeling depressed, maybe this is time to make some adjustment so that everything will be. Is more aligned.
And so that when you will experience all these beams and rays of frequencies, of highly charged frequencies, and then it will be more easy for you to flow through your own life. Yes.
Yes, yes. We of course, echo as well and agree. And we also wish to remind dear ones again that this is a process. This is a process. And the cleansing, the clarifying, it is not a one time ordeal. It is as you, just as you awaken and brush your teeth and wash your face and body, it must be done routinely, routinely. And as you do, you get in the motions and these motions begin to uplift you. You begin to build a momentum where you realize that, the cleansing and clarifying is not just so that my physical body is clean, it is so that the energy, the way that I am able to express the energy is clean and clear. And so there is more vibrancy that is able to flow through.
And so we wish to speak on, yes, the idea of beautifying a little bit. And we will, we will end on this topic. This other layer of cleansing, you could say a higher layer of clarifying, which could be called beautifying. And so when you beautify, dear ones, the intent is a little different, yes, than just cleaning and scrubbing and washing. There is a more vibrancy to this. And so as we speak, a little bit of beautifying, we also wish to point out that indeed, certain words, the semantics, yes, have certain frequencies programmed into it. And so when you think of beautifying, there is a different experience than thinking of detoxing or cleaning or clarifying. And so we will say detoxing is a sub layer of this.
It is when one feels that there is something that needs to be cleaned or maybe something wrong with their body, then they must detox. And this is okay, again, this is a part of the process. And we say as you detox more and as you clean more and as you clarify more, you will realize, oh, I am beautifying, I am becoming more beautiful. And you realize, oh, I am actually beautifying more. And so we say this for we also understand that again, this is a time of integration. And there are many seeming spiritual thoughts about Beauty that, oh bit beauty is. Is. Is shallow. And we say, dear ones, no, it is not. It is only shallow if you pursue it in a shallow way. But we remind, dear ones, are we not beautiful? Are your higher guides not vibrant and glowing?
Yes, we exude beauty. Why? Because we have clean, clarified, cleansed and yes, beautified and aligned. Yes, really realigned and become more coherent with the divine frequencies. Indeed. And we are not shy from expressing this in our physicality. And so indeed, dear ones, this is a part of it as well. Yes, yes.
This is so profound, dear brothers and sisters of Ra. We love what you said. We so much agree, Echo. And we so much love every word you said. Magnificent. This is magnificent. We have one question for you, dear brothers and sisters of Ra. So how are you, dear brothers and sisters of Ra? Cleaning, cleansing, clarifying throughout your so called days. Yes, we love this question. This is very funny.
Yes, yes, we say we do it with the joy. Yes, we do it with the joy, dear ones, as well as indeed we do it with the peace we come to. The deep peace that is within, that is beyond our bodies. Yes. For yes, some of us still do have bodies. And even those of us, we will. We will. Hint, hint, dear ones. Even the guides of us of yours that are beyond physical bodies and dwell in the energies, they themselves, we ourselves still have bodies of some sort. They are not physical, however, they are beautiful indeed. And yes, bodies. So yes, we have beautiful bodies. And this is how we cleanse and clarify. By joyfully beautifying and peacefully resting in our highest, truest greatest self. Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, we love it. We love it. As for us, we also use some technology and but yes, we so much echo. And we have another question for you, dear brothers and sisters of Ra. Or maybe a closing. What would be your 1 recommendation? We know this is a tricky question, so yes, we apologize for this trick and we ask you what would be your 1 recommendation for these humans in human form listening, that they could implement in order to cleanse or clarified either their mind or their body structure?
Yes. Thank you dear Ashtar, for this questioning. We will scan the field to see what is most practical at these times. Yes, dear ones, yes. We say one thing you may do and you may carry forward for a good while in your day to day lives, is to begin to see your body as your. Your best friend. As your dear friend. As your companion in this endeavor, in this journey of yours. Yes. For many of the clogging energy, the stagnating energy is a result of indeed identifying too much with your human body, or any body for that matter. And in this way, the life streams are not able to flow through seamlessly and easily and gracefully. And so we recommend at these times to see your body more and more as your own, as your creation.
Yes, it is a bit of a paradox that while indeed there is no separation in this reality of separation, the paradox is to experience more oneness, you must separate from it a little bit. And this is the funny paradox. And so to identify less, to take things personally less, and to see that this is your creation and to see it joyfully and vibrantly, that, it is not a disassociation, it is rather a seeing it more clearly that your body, dear ones, is your artwork masterpiece. It is indeed you are creating it. And it is so beautiful. Regardless of how you see it now, regardless how seeming others seem to see it now, your bodies are beautiful.
And the more you begin to see your bodies in this way, the more you begin to create your body in this way by taking these practical steps of indeed beautifying, then you begin to see that, this is my artwork masterpiece. This is my magnum opus. Yes. As it is said, as this dear one’s pronunciation may not be ideal yet. The. The idea is coming through. Yes. Are you expressing your body in this way? Are you expressing it in this masterful, artistic, creative way? And so this is our recommendation at these times.
Yes, we thank you. And we wrote a funny thing. Yes. That we are going to share with these humans in human form. Yes, dear humans, you speak, you say BFF for best friend forever. Yes. And so let’s make a play with the wordings and say body best friend BBF instead of bff. Bbf. Yes. This is funny. Funny. In order for you to remember that yes, indeed, your body is your best friend. Your body structure is your vehicle. And so you have to take care of your vehicle, not only as this is like a car. Most of you drive cars. Yes. And so you wash your car. Yes. You take care of the exterior. Yes. But a car is made of many, many different teeny tiny pieces, parts and pieces. And you also have to take care of the teeny tiny pieces.
Because otherwise, sometime, even though you’re. You have a shining car, maybe it will not want to be driven anymore. And maybe it will stop and never want the engine will be broken. So we wish to remind you that, yes, indeed, you have to take care of your own beautifying on your body that yes, indeed, your body structure is your best friend, is your vehicle. And in this regard you have to be peaceful and loving and gentle for your body. We also wish to remind you, dear ones, that as an engine, but we prefer, please think also of your body as a starship or yes, indeed, maybe yes, an engine of a car. You have many pieces within you that you are not aware of, that you do not pay attention. But they do the work.
They keep you alive, they keep you vibrant, they can. They keep you, they make you functioning. And we recommend to be loving and caring for your. All the teeny tiny pieces and parts, teeny tiny cells that are within your body structure who makes you well functioning. And they are vibrating and they try to vibrate and keep you as much alive as they can. But for that regard, they have to be to have good nourishment, but they have also to have good thoughts from you. They have also to have good love and care from you. But we wish to speak on the thoughts and maybe after that we will close. Meaning that when you are having all those thoughts, oh, I don’t like myself. Oh, I don’t like my body, but also, oh, why is he doing that to me? Oh, I don’t like her.
Oh, I don’t love him. Or all those thoughts, whether it’s about yourself or about others, which are slightly, sometimes the same, you are putting yourself in a stress mode. You are being aggressive not only to the words that you’re using for, to others, to designate others or yourself. Sometimes you are aggressive to everything within you, within and around. Meaning that when you’re, I am frustrating, I am hurt, I am angry. I don’t like him, I don’t like her. You are in a state of stress. You are in that state of being aggressive to yourself and to your own body cells. How do you wish them to radiate and to bring them the most that they can? If you are being aggressive to yourself and to your cellular structure. And so we encourage each and every one of you to be at peace.
And taking deep breaths is also cleaning, clarifying your mind, cleaning, clarifying your body as you let go all this stress, all this aggressivity, all this anger, it goes away, it fades away. And so, yes, indeed, your thoughts can bring, yes, and have to bring the peace. And you have to be cautious of the thoughts so that you do not allow yourself to be aggressive toward yourself. Yes, it will help you to have a better life, dear ones, and yes, you will radiate, you will shine bright like diamonds. Yes, in the sky. You will be on earth, but you are also shining bright in the sky. Yes, we like this. And so, yes, this is our recommendations.
Yes, yes. Thank you, dear Ashtar, thank you, all of you, yes, all of us that have gathered together in this way. It is so joyful for us to always come through in this way. And many of you do not realize, but we are coming through you as well. And the more you vibratize yourself and express yourself and cleanse, clear and express in that Rodian way, indeed you are expressing and allowing through more of us and more of life itself. So, dear ones, yes, you are doing so well and we are so joyfully observing, yes, and nudge, nudging, and at times maybe pushing a little bit. Yes, yes, and we see your great work. So we honor you all and we give much gratitude and much love. We love you all so very much.
I am Ra and I will sign off in this way for now, in this time. Yes, we will speak again very soon. Adonai.
We thank you, we thank you and we honor you. We would like to speak just for a few more seconds about theme of cleaning, clarifying of your environment, physical environment, Dear ones, when you, if you wish to, if you don’t open the window for weeks and months, what kind of air are you absorbing when you are not cleaning your. If you are not cleaning your refrigerator for months or years, what kind of food, what quality of food will you intake? So the cleaning and clarifying, it also comes with cleaning and clarifying your own physical environment where you currently live, to your wants, because you have to bring the best for yourself, for yourselves, for your mind. Yes, we have made our point. We are very happy, yes. So we greet you all, we love you deeply and dearly.
And yes, we are Ashtar, coming in the love and the light of the highest love and the highest light for the highest good purposes. We greet and honor all of you. We greet and honor your guides, mentors and guides. We greet and honor all the collectives beyond and beyond listening to this Internet show. Yes, and we greet and honor you, dear brothers and sisters of Rome. What a true joy indeed to talk to you in this way. It has been a magnificent pleasure. Yes, we love you all. We love you deeply and dearly. And we will. I will speak again soon by the night. So thank you, Leo, for this transmission. Thank you, our guides, Ra, Ashtar and other beings around. Thank you, all of you for watching this recording. We hope that it’s helpful.
And we are going to record another video on our thoughts on this channeling.
Thank you all. Thank you, Caroline. And yes, we will see you very soon.
Wow. So thank you so much, everyone. Thank you, Leo and Caroline, everybody watching. What a great presentation. And we’ll look forward to having other points of view in our next episode. Hold on.
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