Andromeda Galaxy Astral Travel

Shaman and astral traveler Cailin O’Connor describes what she saw when visiting her star family in the Andromeda Galaxy. Cailin is a psychic and healer.


Then I started to bring in my star family, which I’ve also come to know in recent years from Andromeda Galaxy. So I always identified with the Pleiades, like the Seven Sisters were always anchor up in the sky all the years growing up. But then as more and more information about starseeds started coming out and star families, I was able to get more information and that my origin is actually from Andromeda Galaxy. So they’re. They’re coming through now. Very, very loud, very clear.

That’s so cool. That’s fascinating, because so few people channel Andromeda. And. Yeah, as you know, I have Andromeda and origins, and I’ve gone on YouTube so many times, and I don’t know, I may have seen everything there is to see on, you know, about the Andromedan channeling. So it’s. It’s really cool that they come. Come through.

Yeah, I actually went there too. I went in my Merkabah.

Oh, okay.

Visit. It was pretty funny. So I use. I didn’t just go by myself. I used one of them to guide me there. And. And it was all purple. Atmospheric air was lavender. Purple. Yeah. And so I. I saw where there was some time where I had to hover and hang out at the border because I was so excited. And I’m here announcing it, and. And they’re like, no, no, we have to get permission. You can’t. You know, Then we enter.


Yeah. So. And then to the. Because Andromeda is huge, so it’s like, where are you going exactly? So I had to be escorted.

So I’ve heard there’s like, one main blue planet, and then there’s a bunch. There’s other stuff too.

Yeah, there’s a lot of planets. Well, wherever I was, the air was purple, like. Yeah.

What else did you see?

Yeah, they told me they don’t have houses, so I met them on this kind of platform. There was a whole family back there. But the ones I knew are this. My star mother. I just know her originally as Blue star Mother. And then there was a sister there. And then my main healing spirit, shaman spirit. She’s in Ramadan too. So their sisters and their mother, the two sisters and their mother, and I got their names, and they talked about how they. Where they live. They don’t have houses. The. The weather is very temperate. They don’t really have a need to live indoors, so they have these vast platforms with communal areas, parks and things. And then they do have some separate sections where they. They can rest or get together, but it’s not like everyone has their own house.

That sounds nice. So it’s like at the perfect 72 degrees or something like that. They’re.

Yeah, yeah, okay.

Yeah. I heard also that there’s a lot of vegetation in Andromeda, and they kind of, like, take care of it and protect the grass and the trees. And they’re even to the extent of not walking or really cutting stuff there.

Oh, wow. Well, that would. Yeah, that was another piece. They told me that they. They don’t really eat, but they. The plants give out this, like a pheromone is the only way I could think of it. And that is an energy that feeds them.

Wow. Okay.

Because one time I had a party at my house in the higher Realm. I’ve already taken up residence and built a house and everything. And now I’m checking, like, is that the new Earth Realm? And why. Yes, it is one of the realms. My guides say there are several spheres of reality that are possible for people. So wherever you’re vibrating is where you’re going to be living. And so anyway, I’ve already got this house there, and I. And I go there all the time. I sleep there. I do lots of things there. And I invited them, and they came and I invited my main spirit guide, and th. Who is also known as PA in the Peruvian cosmology. It’s the same being.

So were all there and having a garden party, and I was serving my favorite beverage, which is sparkling water with these crushed berries. And they weren’t drinking it. And so I asked, why are you not. Do you not like it? They can’t eat. They said they don’t. They can’t eat the foods like that. And then, yeah, they told me about how they get the sustenance from the plants.

That’s very interesting. I’ve been on this Breatharian journey for probably the better part of the year trying to get off food. So it sounds like they’re a step ahead over there.

Yeah. Yeah. That’s fascinating to me, too. In fact, that’s one of the big signs that you are rising in ascension is the need to eat less. And I’m on that, too. I now only eat one meal a day. It’s astonishing. I’m not even trying. It’s just I. That’s all I feel like having.



Pretty cool. So, yeah, I guess for our. For our viewers, how can they, you know, if they do sort of go back and they look to their child and they recognize some of those gifts, how can they begin to, I guess, tie it forward as you did, to some of these later experiences of, you know, the soul plan of starting to channel of astral traveling? How can they. How can they sort of bridge those. Those two points?

Yeah. It’s, it’s a playful journey. So you know it in my mind, it’s like if you have the thought, if you have the interest in it is meant for you. And so start playing around, be curious and inventive and try things and it’ll start working, but you can’t force it. It’s not like something you do it because you’re curious, you know, not because you want an end result.

Well, yeah, I think that’s what I’ve heard about manifestation too, that you kind of have more of that playful attitude and maybe you just have an intention, but you don’t, you know, really super try or it’s like you make efforts but you’re not mentally tied up in it.

Yeah, the letting go part of manifesting is really important. We can’t control the logistics of how it’s hap. Gonna happen. You just trust, know and believe is done. And the main thing is never doubt yourself, never doubt that it is, it’s happening, it’s done, it’s all in the works. And then you let the universe figure out the details. But I have a course coming up I’m putting together on the creating from the heart, the female way of manifesting. Because this brain based way doesn’t work for a lot of people. I mean, maybe it does for the very linear logic minded people, maybe they can do it, but for the rest of us it’s, you know, there’s a gap missing and a big piece of it, a big part of it is also daydreaming.

So in fact that’s been my biggest breakthrough was with the channeling and with all of the spiritual path, all culminating in this daily practice of stillness. And I don’t call it meditating because for me that creates just some kind of restrictive feeling like rules around it. And I don’t like rules and I don’t like. You have to follow this method. So I just call it stillness


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