Sugar addiction
Join Octavia Vasile and Archangel Michael to unwind the mental knots holding you back in your struggle against food based additions to carbs / sugar and caffeine.
The complexities of addictions to sugar, coffee, and gluten, emphasizing that while these addictions can be easier to avoid compared to harder substances, they are often more insidious. Consuming sugar can trigger dopamine levels, leading to cravings that are difficult to control. Reducing carbohydrate intake can help manage these cravings and provides examples of low-carb foods, such as green vegetables and certain fruits.
Encourages awareness of what foods contain carbs and suggests replacing high-carb items with healthier alternatives, like potatoes, which do not trigger cravings as strongly. Also addresses the challenges of quitting coffee, noting that it can be beneficial to tackle caffeine addiction before addressing sugar or gluten. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the emotional connections people have with their habits, particularly how coffee can serve as a comfort during feelings of loneliness.
Acknowledge your reliance on it for energy and comfort. Initial withdrawal from coffee may lead to tiredness, but this will pass with time. She suggests incorporating more sleep and physical activity to help manage the transition away from caffeine.
This hypnosis session aims at connecting with their younger self and releasing unhealthy habits. This session focuses on self-compassion and envisioning a healthier future free from cravings. The participant reports feeling relaxed during the hypnosis, indicating a successful session that may help them on their journey to better health.
So please be sure that you sit in a comfortable position. Adjust your pillows if you need. So move your body as much as you wish to just be sure that you’re sitting nicely. Take a deep breath in and slowly let it out. As you breathe in, feel the refreshing air entering your lungs, filling you with calm. As you breathe out and feel any tension in your body melting away, feel a sense of peace and relaxation growing within you with each exhale. Now close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in a beautiful, peaceful garden. Notice the colors around you, the flowers blooming, the soft breeze that touches your skin. Let yourself relax even more as you continue breathing slowly and deeply. With each breath, you are drawn deeper into relaxation, deeper into this peaceful space, feeling lighter, feeling calm.
Now imagine a warm, gentle light above your head. This light is soothing. It’s warm and comforting. Picture it moving slowly down, beginning to envelop your head, washing away any thoughts that no longer serve you, any worries or stresses that you might have been carrying. Let them all go. Now this light flows down over your shoulders, your arms, down through your chest, relaxing every muscle, bringing you deeper and deeper into calm. Now this is a good moment to call upon the support of your loving spirit guides, angels, archangels, cosmic family, and all those of love and light who wish to join us in this transmission. I call upon them to surround you with their energy, to support your intentions and wishes, to be there and to remind you of whatever you need to be reminded throughout this entire process.
And I invite you to take a moment so you can feel their loving presence. You might have a sense of your spirit guides joining you now. Or of your star family. Or of a certain angel, for example, Archangel Michael, who helps us to liberate any energy cords. Archangel Gabriel is the one that supports us in relation to our emotions so we can observe them and embrace them as they are. So I call upon them to join us in this transmission. Now, I would like you to envision that light moving down. It moves down through your head and shoulders, through your chest, through your arms. It moves down through your abdomen, down through your legs, all the way to your toes. You feel completely relaxed, completely at peace. With each and every breath, you’re deepening your relaxation.
Each part of your body feels calm, light, and deeply comfortable. There is no more tension left in your whole body. This light is cleansing, washing away any remains of tension, any worries, anything that doesn’t serve you here and now. And as you release each breath, you find yourself sinking deeper and deeper, ready to enter a space of transformation, self discovery. You stay curious and perfectly relaxed. In front of you now, there is a path that appears in this garden, leading you to a comfortable, peaceful space. As you walk along this path, each step feels easy, natural, pulling you closer to a place of wisdom and insight. Now imagine a door at the end of the path. A door that you know will lead you to a meaningful encounter with the younger version of yourself.
As you open the door, you find yourself stepping into a quiet room filled with warm light. Here you see a comfortable chair waiting for you, inviting you to sit. When you sit down, you begin to notice a mirror in front of you. This mirror holds a reflection of you from the past, A version of yourself from a time when you may have started developing habits you no longer wish to keep. For example, that version of yourself who started to drink coffee. Take a moment to observe this reflection, noticing the details, perhaps noticing a younger face, seeing an expression that reflects curiosity, hope, or maybe even a little struggle. You feel a deep sense of compassion for this younger self, knowing that she did the best she could with the knowledge and resources she had. Take a moment here to feel the connection with Earth.
Also, with each and every breath, you continue to relax your body. You feel perfectly relaxed in this quiet space. Your past self turns and looks at you, aware of your presence, sensing the wisdom you have. Now, imagine that you reach out your hand, and as your younger self takes it, you feel a connection, a deep and shared understanding begin to speak to this younger version of you, sharing gentle and kind words. You’ve come so far and you have grown so much. I know there were reasons you turn to certain things, like sugar, coffee, perhaps other habits as a way to find comfort or energy. But there is another way, a way that brings even more energy, more joy, and better health. Tell your past self how your choices can lead to vitality, to freedom from cravings and a strong and healthy body.
Explain that healthy foods, nourishing habits, and a life free from these addictions are available. Speak with conviction and care, explaining that by letting go of things that no longer serve, she can create room for things that uplift and nourish. Now breathe in and feel deeply relaxed. Breathe out, allowing this relaxation to extend. Now imagine your younger self listening, understanding and feeling the weight of your words. She nods. She smiles, sensing the peace and health that awaits her in the future. Together, envision the things you wish to let go of. Whether it’s coffee or any other habit that doesn’t serve you. Imagine each one as an object you hold in your hands, perhaps a small stone representing sugar, another for coffee Another stone for gluten and any others that come to your mind and you wish to let go of.
Feel the weight of this in your hands and notice how they no longer feel useful, necessary. Tell yourself, I don’t wish to carry these stones with me anymore. Now in your mind, visualize a gentle breeze sweeping through, and with it, the stones start to lift, slowly floating out of your hands. You let them go, and as they drift away, you feel lighter, unburdened and free. Free of any addict. Tell your past self that she no longer needs these habits, that she has the strength to find fulfillment in a healthier way. Embrace your past self in this moment of connection, offering her love and compassion. Now, together with your past self, imagine a future filled with vibrant health, joy, happiness. See yourself eating nourishing foods, greased vegetables, juicy fruits, foods that leave you feeling energized and content.
Imagine drinking lots of pure water, feeling the satisfaction of good health, and knowing that each day brings more strength and wellness. Feel how that pure water is truly nourishing your body, not only stopping your thirst, but also giving your body all that it needs. You feel the taste of the pure water in your mouth, feeling the connection with it, knowing that this is what you need to truly nourish your body, as your body deserves. Visualize waking up each morning with a clear mind and abundant energy. Picture yourself as the healthiest, most radiant version of you. Free from any cravings, free from the hold of gluten, of any sugars, carbs, coffee. Free of any cravings. Tell your past self that she’s not alone in this journey.
Offer her a vision of this beautiful, healthy life and watch as her face lights up, embracing this new vision, feeling the power of this new path. As your encounter draws to a close, feel a deep sense of gratitude for this connection with your past self. You know she will carry forward the wisdom you shared. Thank her. And as she smiles back, you feel an even deeper sense of purpose and strength. Now it’s time to return to your present moment. Slowly, imagine the image of your past self fading into the light, carrying with her the love and wisdom you have shared. Feel that a certain transformation happened within her as it happened within you. As she fades away, you feel her commitment to a healthier life merging with your own commitment. In a moment, I’m going to count up from one to five.
And with each count, you will feel more alert, more energized, bringing back this experience and the deep change it has inspired. As I count and you feel yourself waking up and refreshed, ready to embrace a new, healthy path. Feeling energy return to your body. Awareness rising. Feeling light and strong. Feeling alert. Feel with a sense of purpose and commitment. Stretching your fingers and toes, feeling awake and refreshed. Opening your eyes Fully awake, ready to begin this journey of health and freedom. Breathe into your own rhythm. Breathe out. Allow yourself enough time to come back. Give your mind enough time to adjust to the environment, to your surroundings. Feel your body. Feel the senses of your body. And then in your own rim, open your eyes.
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